2004年11月29日 — Hotplug means device being inserted in a hot (powered on) computer with out screwing up or spiking bus signals. SCSI (pronounced scuzzy) and ...
2023年4月2日 — Hot swapping is the ability to add or remove a device from a computer while it is running, without causing any interruption or damage. Plug and ...
2022年7月11日 — The plug-in function at any time is similar to the hot-plug effect of the USB port. Fully pluggable custom shaft mechanical keyboard, the shaft ...
Hot plugging is the attachment of a system component while the system is running. Hot swapping is the replacement of a component while the system is running.
2018年9月20日 — Plug and play means no additional drivers are required. EG. USB stick is hot swappable and plug and play. Physical hard drive is plug and play ...